Teaching Tutorial

This summer, we invite Bakery Core Members to teach public tutorials and get paid for their time.

Offerings include: film processing, darkroom printing, Photoshop/Lightroom, Epson scanning, Epson 900 printing and large-format printing.

The recommended charge for tutors is $45/hour for you and $20/hour for the Bakery’s studio rental, totaling $60/hour. Instructors will receive payment on the first of each month and will get a 1099 form at year’s end. Remember to save enough for your taxes.

Please use the form below to indicate any subjects you may be interested in teaching and days/times you are available to offer tutorials.

We ask for you to provide regular feedback about the structure/process as we work to fine tune this new offering. Please feel free to contact the executive committee with any feedback or questions. info@bakeryphoto.com